Announcing our partnership with Freedom Food Alliance

We are so excited to announce our partnership with the Freedom Food Alliance. Over the next 12 months, this collaborative work, Nutrition misinformation in the digital age, aims to identify nutrition misinformation on social media platforms such as Instagram, identify critical players or “super-spreaders,” and engage in data-driven consumer awareness campaigns and regulation advocacy to mitigate the health risks associated with the spread of such information. 

At Rooted Research Collective, we are committed to a more sustainable, ethical, and just food system, which is reinforced by public acceptance and engagement with healthy dietary patterns. However, in recent years, with the rise of social media platforms and the emergence of online echo chambers, nutrition discourse has become increasingly infiltrated by misinformation — particularly by non-credentialed health influencers. Some misinformation may be perceived as harmless, but others, like the carnivore diet, promote eating habits that can lead to adverse health effects. Nutrition misinformation and corresponding health fads may be viewed as a public health crisis that may prevent or delay effective healthcare and even threaten the lives of individuals influenced by the misinformation. 

What we know: nutrition misinformation is a public health crisis

Nutrition misinformation on social media has already become a harbinger of adverse health impacts. A survey conducted by MyFitnessPal earlier this year revealed that a significant number (57%) of TikTok users adopted or were swayed by nutrition trends found on the social media platform, and 31% of respondents indicated that they experienced adverse effects from these fad diets. One such fad, as mentioned earlier, the carnivore diet, has already received backlash from former adherents. Google search phrases such as “carnivore diet almost killed me” have increased by +1,050 as of April 2024.  

In another recent survey, a worrying 20% of respondents said they trust influencers over specialists. With trust in authoritative sources discounted and the rise of popular and potentially harmful fad diets on social media platforms, there is a real public health risk at stake. 

Joining forces with Freedom Food AllianceThat’s why we’re so excited to announce our partnership with the Freedom Food Alliance and a project called Nutrition misinformation in the digital age. The project begins with a report rooted in investigative research, to better understand who is spreading the most misinformation on social media and why. Additionally, because we know that writing a report is only the first step, we intend to engage in policy and public advocacy. Nutrition misinformation is very rarely flagged on social media and beliefs that may have once seemed fringe have taken hold worldwide, with accounts dedicated to everything from “not wearing sunscreen” to one of the more bizarre “don’t drink water” (not a joke). 

Our advocacy efforts will focus on ensuring that nutrition misinformation is approached with the same level of scrutiny as other forms of misinformation on social media. With obesity and diet-related illness listed as the leading cause of death in the UK alone, we are committed to advocating for interventions to limit the impact that false nutritional information can have on public health.

With Freedom Food Alliance’s proven track record of leading high-impact campaigns, this research will inform the next generation of advocacy on a public level — engaging with leaders in policy, government, and industry to hold those who spread misinformation accountable. 

“The prevalence of dietary misinformation poses a significant public health challenge,” stated Robbie Lockie, Co-Founder of the Freedom Food Alliance. “We are witnessing a tidal wave of misinformation that fuels preventable health issues. Our partnership with Rooted Research Collective will enable us to pinpoint the sources of misinformation and assess their impact on health.”

“The spread of nutrition misinformation is deeply concerning,” stated Marlana Malerich, Co-Founder of Rooted Research Collective. “Robbie Lockie and The Freedom Food Alliance team have consistently succeeded in elevating social issues to the forefront of public discourse— we’re confident that this initiative, in combination with our advocacy work, will have a lasting impact beyond the report itself.”

To follow our work, follow Rooted Research Collective, Freedom Food Alliance and You can also report misinformation through the FFA website. 

We’re also taking on volunteers! If you’re interested in getting involved, reach out to

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